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night nights

Services and facilities


If you are interested in this service, please, contact the front desk and provide us with the following information:
Name and surname, phone number, e-mail address, your flight or train number, and the arrival time.

Thank you.



Parking is available for a fee.

Parking fee price list:
50 CZK/1 hour
The first hour is free
The price is a maximum of 400 CZK/24 hours/1 entry
Advance parking space reservation is not possible


There is a new fitness center with cardio and weight machines.


Open for hotel guests from 06:00 until 23:00.



We will be happy to arrange a game of golf for our guests in one of the Czech Republic’s oldest golf clubs.


A complete reconstruction of our wellness center is currently underway.

We will inform you about the reopening in time.

Thank you for your understanding.


Your pets are welcome in the hotel.

However, only dogs are accepted, for a fee of  CZK 750 (30 EUR) per dog per night.

Pets can only stay in Depandance and Superior rooms.